Arkansas ​Home Builders Association 


The Political Action Committee of the Arkansas Home Builders Association (AHB PAC) is a
non-partisan committee organized for the specific purpose of raising funds to support
pro-housing candidates of all parties at the state and local levels of government.

Contributions to the AHB PAC are an investment in the future of your business and the home building industry as a whole. It is essential that we are able to support the candidates that understand and will fight for the issues important to us when they are in office. Candidates who recieve support from AHB PAC know our critical issues and understand that the depth of that support because it comes from thousands of builders and associated across the state. AHB PAC contributions are key to our being able to promote a pro-housing agenda in the legislature and local governments statewide.

If you would like more information regarding AHB PAC, contact Tommy Wright, AHB PAC Trustee at

The National Association of Home Builders sponsors a political action committee (NAHB BUILD-PAC) that represents the interests of home builders at the federal level. The AHB PAC and the NAHB BUILD-PAC are not affiliated; however the combines scope ensures that candidates who share the interests and concerns of the home building industry are elected at every level of government. For information regarding NAHB BUILD-PAC, please visit